En Gedi Colorado 4040 Ranch
Considering a stay at the 4040 Ranch? Here are a few things you might like to know!
Maximum Length of Stay- 7 Days (6 Nights)
Minimum Length of Stay- 2 Nights
Maximum Occupancy- 8
Square Feet- 1,100
Space- 2 Bedroom, 3 Bath, Fully Equipped Kitchen and a Garage
Location- 20 Minutes from Steamboat Springs

En Gedi Retreat Colorado, Steamboat Springs.
En Gedi Retreat’s primary facility is located just west of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The home is situated on 40 acres and boasts two full bedrooms and three full baths, sleeping room for families as big as eight, and a 900 square foot wrap around deck. The kitchen is fully equipped with all modern appliances as well as numerous smaller appliances such as a waffle maker, blender, crock pot, pizza oven, and plenty of dishes for baking casseroles, cookies, and muffins.
To request a stay at this home and get a full welcome packet with all the details of the home, booking, and lots of other great information, send us a booking request. You can find the booking request information at the bottom of this page.